The movie is jointly produced by Aryan and a NRN, Subash Giri under Aryan Sigdel Entertainment. The movie is written by Chetan Gurung, music is composed by Taraprakash Limbu and music videos will be directed by Alok Nembang. The actor Aryan Sigdel had married a few days before the release of the movie. The story of the movie is about the unusual rain in November that changes the character of Ayush (Aryan Sigdel) and Shital (Namrata Shrestha) and Dalli (Chhulthim Gurung). These characters love each other unconditionally. In a program held in Kathmandu Aryan Sigdel and the team announced the details of his debut movie as a producer. The movie named ‘November Rain’ will be directed by the director of ‘I am Sorry’, Dinesh Raut, and will feature Aryan, Namrata Shrestha and a new actress Chhulthim Gurung in lead roles
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